How to start a business: 5 steps for your first week

For my small business owners out there who are thinking of starting a business, or recently started a business, this one's for you from a small business marketing coach. The first week you set up your business, make sure you do these 5 things:

5 steps for starting a business

1. Register a domain and, if they're available, any close variants⁠

⁠2. Sign up for Google Search Console so you'll have search data for your business from the beginning (people always forget to do this later!)⁠

3. Claim your Google Business Profile. It's free, but it can take a few weeks to complete the verification process.⁠ Yes, even for online-only businesses. Yes, even for service- or software-based businesses.

4. Create accounts on half a dozen social media platforms. Even though you probably won't create content on all of them for a while, you can ensure your username doesn't get taken & fill out the bio. ⁠

Hot tip: these profiles will ALL show up on Google quickly, often more quickly than your own website.⁠

5. Using the same Google account as Search Console & Business Profile, create your Google Analytics property and add it to your website. Again, it's so helpful to have this data from day 1, and people often forget to do it later.⁠

Is there anything else you would add, that you wish you had done sooner in your business?⁠

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